Is any action happening on this? Is someone trying to fix org2rem?
- Carsten
On Dec 31, 2008, at 12:53 PM, Daniel Martins wrote:
I changed from planner-el to org-mode after reading Sachas comments
and some videos: mostly Carsten and Russell ones.
However I use remind a lot. I like wyrd for remote operation and I
have remind - diary - ical and planner-el very integrated.
I think that org-mode would be improved from using remind. The ical -
> org-mode could be done using the longer path
ical -> remind -> diary -> org-mode
ical -> remind:
remind -> diary: Sacha's rem2diary
diary -> org-mode: (setq org-agenda-include-diary t)
the reverse path could be directly
org-mode -> ical
However if I want to add all my appts in and
from inside org-mode
I think that
is lacking a few features
1. It does not work with priorities since
*** TODO [#A] something
DEADLINE: <2009-01-05>
REM 30 Dec 2008 MSG [#A] something
which yields problems with remind parser
org2rem should eliminate the priorities at all
REM 30 Dec 2008 MSG something
or eliminate the brackets
REM 30 Dec 2008 MSG #A something
2. timed deadlines are not included
*** TODO something
DEADLINE: <2008-12-31 Wed 19:00>
REM 31 Dec 2008 MSG something%
and should generate
REM 31 Dec 2008 AT 19:00 MSG something%
I tried to send an emacs bug report but as I do not use Emacs for
sending email (yet!). It seems that the bug was not reported.
I must also admit that gnus always frightened me!
First thanks for all the good work done with org-mode
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