Hi Hsiu,
nice hack. But I am still wondering why you do not
use "primary filtering" for this, i.e. a tags search
for "project1|project2"
C-c a m project1|project2 RET
- Carsten
On Jan 9, 2009, at 8:18 PM, Hsiu-Khuern Tang wrote:
* On Fri 07:38AM +0000, 09 Jan 2009, Carsten Dominik (domi...@science.uva.nl
) wrote:
On Jan 9, 2009, at 2:55 AM, Hsiu-Khuern Tang wrote:
Hi all,
Suppose I have tagged some of my TODO headings. In an agenda view,
is it
currently possible to filter (using org-agenda-filter-by-tag) all
entries that
are tagged with (say) either "project1" _or_ "project2"? One can
certainly do
"project1" _and_ "project2" by narrowing the filter.
- Carsten
Here's a workaround. I use org-map-entries to select all headlines
tagged with "project1" or "project2" and tag them with something
unique, say
"CUR". Then I can use the ordinary filter mechanism in an agenda
view to
restrict to headlines tagged with "CUR".
| (setq cur_tags '("project1" "project2"))
| ;; Unbind the variable
| ;; (makunbound 'cur_tags)
| (setq match_string (concat "+TAGS={" (mapconcat (lambda (x) x)
| cur_tags "\|") "}"))
| ;; Remove the "CUR" tag:
| (org-map-entries '(org-toggle-tag "CUR") "CUR" 'agenda)
| ;; Turn on the CUR tag for all headlines (directly) tagged with
| ;; any member of cur_tags
| (org-map-entries '(org-toggle-tag "CUR" 'on) match_string 'agenda)
| ;; Count the number of headlines (directly) tagged with any member
| ;; cur_tags:
| (length (org-map-entries t match_string 'agenda))
Maybe someone will find this useful, or think of a more elegant
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