I find that doing a tags search for SCHEDULED or DEADLINE turns up headings that do not have any schedule or deadlines.
Using the example from http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/10274: ,---- | #+SEQ_TODO: NEXT WAITING | DONE | #+STARTUP: overview | | * DONE Test1 | CLOSED: [2009-01-07 Wed 12:26] | | * NEXT Test2 | DEADLINE: <2009-01-28 Wed> | | * Test3 `---- If I type C-c \ +DEADLINE<="<2009-01-28>" <RET> all three headlines are selected! I expected to match the second headline only. -- Best, Hsiu-Khuern. _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode