Matthew Lundin <> writes:


> Dan Davison <> writes:
>> When creating a file link with C-c C-l, I appreciate that the initial
>> file: specifier is autocompleted for me, but I don't subsequently get
>> autocompletion on path names. Is that supposed to happen, and if not
>> would it be possible / how difficult would it be?
> Try adding a prefix argument to C-c C-l. 
> C-u C-c C-l should do the trick.

Or as a side-note not relevant to org-mode: With hippie-expand one can
complete path names (and various other things like completing "3 * 2 ="
to " 3 * 2 = 6") in every part of emacs.  Just put

,----[ C-h f try-complete-file-name-partially RET ]
| try-complete-file-name-partially is a compiled Lisp function in
| `hippie-exp.el'.
| (try-complete-file-name-partially old)
| Try to complete text as a file name, as many characters as unique.
| The argument old has to be nil the first call of this function.  It
| returns t if a unique, possibly partial, completion is found, nil
| otherwise.

into `hippie-expand-try-functions-list' and bind `hippie-expand' to some


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