Le 14/12/2015 02:39, John Kitchin a écrit :
could you provide a brief example of what you want to happen?
i.e. are you looking for this:
* some heading :correction:
one line of content
to convert to this in LaTeX?
one line of content
Exactly. Actually when I read your mail I realize that
=org-export-filter-headline-functions= filter not only give access to
the heading but to the whole content within the heading. So,
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun cpp-correction-headline (contents backend info)
(when (and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
(string-match "\\`.*correction.*\n" (downcase contents)))
(concat "\\begin{correction}" (replace-regexp-in-string
"\\`.*correction.*\n" "" contents) "\\end{correction}"))
(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-headline-functions
is doing what I want. So thanks for the insights and sorry for the noise.
Xavier Garrido writes:
Dear orgers,
I would like to wrap a given org section between =\begin,\end= LaTeX
environment. These sections are identified by a special tag :correction:
and to initiate the =\begin= flag I have basically no problem by using
the org-export-filter-headline-function filter. The problem comes when
I want to close the environment i.e. when another section starts. I have
try this piece of code
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq correction-flag nil)
(defun cpp-correction-headline (contents backend info)
(if (and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
(string-match "\\`.*correction.*\n" (downcase contents)))
(setq correction-flag t)
(replace-match "\\\\begin{correction}" nil nil contents)
(when correction-flag
(setq correction-flag nil)
(concat "\\end{correction}" contents))
(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-headline-functions
but I get several =\end{correction}= in the produced LaTeX file.
Actually this is much more a emacs-lisp related question since the
boolean =correction-flag= seems not to work and I don't know why (of
course I have very little knowledge in lisp). Can some emacs-lisp
experts helps me understand why the above code just does not work.
Thanks a lot,
Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213