
Alan Schmitt <alan.schm...@polytechnique.org> writes:

> I have the following files I want to export to html:
> common.org:
> #+TITLE: Unison Binaries
> #+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
> #+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
> * sidebar
>   :CUSTOM_ID: sidebar
>   :HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS: container-sidebar
>   :END:
> - [[file:index.org::#OSX][Mac OS X]]
> index.org (extract)
> #+INCLUDE: "common.org"
> * body
>   :CUSTOM_ID: mainbody
>   :HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS: container-mainbody
>   :END:
> ** Unison Binaries
> *** Mac OS X
>     :END:
> When I try to export index.org to index.html, I get:
> Reference "#OSX" in file "index.org" cannot be resolved without
> publishing
> What does it mean? And why can't the reference be resolved? Should I not
> use CUSTOM_ID for relative links?

Usually, Org cannot resolve an external link if it doesn't know about
the external file, i.e., if it doesn't publish it.

HTML export is a special case because resolving custom-id links is
trivial (the back-end doesn't alter them). So I guess we can use that to
make it work in this special case, even though it will fail in other

I pushed the change in master. Let me know if it works for you.


Nicolas Goaziou

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