Is there a way to put all of these prelim header lines on one line, such as
turning this

#+NAME: named-block
#+HEADER: :var data=2
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(message "data:%S" data)

to, perhaps, this

#+NAME: named-block; #+HEADER: :var data=2; #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(message "data:%S" data)

. . . or maybe fold them?

I've tried a few things, but they're not working. I guess it's for
aesthetics sake; the chunkiness of all those headers stacked up is
distracting -- and the only folding just folds up the code contents itself.
I know drawers like :PROPERTIES: folds up nicely, but not Babel blocks. Any
way to get that behavior?

Also, Library of Babel seems to need the #+NAME field to "ingest" a code
block, so it's not really an option to just leave #+NAME off. And yes, I
need LOB for individual code block-level of control. Nothing else (I know
of) gives code block-level granularity, not `org-babel-load-file`, not the
usual Emacs package either -- unless I simply put one code block per file.
(FYI my train of thought.)


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