For your small example (exporting to latex) I get \begin{itemize} \item H1 :private: \item H2 \end{itemize} (apart from the preamble etc). What is also weird: If I add the ``standard'' vanilla template (via C-c C-e # beamer), then - 1) some option settings like H:2 vs H:3 /are/ working. - 2) variable org-export-headline-levels does not change By "working" I mean: if I change the #+OPTIONS: H:2 to H:3, refresh the emacs-buffer wrt. org's settings, and export the output (concretetely I did beamer/latex). Now changing the section-level head /does change/ the beamer-latex output the way I'd expect (i.e., it influences the sectioning level). What is strange though: the emacs-variable org-export-headline-levels does not change when doing that, expect that I would have expected that refreshing the buffer would do exactly that: update that variable and thereby influencing the sectioning-levels: --------------------- org-export-headline-levels is a variable defined in `ox.el'. Its value is 3 ... This option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g. "H:2". --------------------- I did not to comprehensive experiments which #+OPTIONS work or work strangely, I just noticed that H:3 etc ``work'' (but I don't know why), whereas the #EXCLUDE_TAGS do ``not work'' when refreshing the buffer. For instance in that simple example you provided. Martin >>>>> "Nicolas" == Nicolas Goaziou <> writes: Nicolas> Hello, Nicolas> Martin Steffen <> writes: >> Now: when I want to /customize/ that in the org-file itself, it >> seems that's done by doing something like >> >> >> #+EXCLUDE_TAGS: private Nicolas> [...] >> Anyhow: having such a specification in the org-file seems to have >> /no effect/, even if I "refresh" the org-file, nor does it work >> when I visit the file for the first time. It seems simply not to >> affect the said variable "org-export-exclude-tags" Nicolas> I cannot reproduce your issue. With the following buffer Nicolas> #+EXCLUDE_TAGS: private * H1 :private: * H2 Nicolas> I get Nicolas> 1 H2 ════ Nicolas> when I export to, e.g., UTF-8. Nicolas> Regards, Nicolas> -- Nicolas Goaziou