Hi Kosyrev,

2015ko azaroak 10an, Kosyrev Serge-ek idatzi zuen:
> Generally speaking, TaskJuggler own "attributes" and "properties" are
> very numerous.  Suffice to point to the documentation:
>   http://taskjuggler.org/tj3/manual/
> Org is only able to provide a very limited amount of those, and the
> approach it takes is by white-listing the properties that ought to
> "pass through" from Org to TJP files.
> So, naturally, whenever one faces a limitation in ox-taskjuggler,
> the desire to extend the list arises.
> I'm not sure how this relates to an average user, to be honest,
> and whether I've at all helped with your question..
> How do we proceed?

The difference between a defvar and a defcustom is whether the variable
shows up in M-x customize.  Customize often serves as the first port of
call for users discovering the features of a library.  So the question
is, will presenting users with such a list in the customize interface
empower them to have better taskjuggler export?  Or will it be too
intimidating?  It’s a subjective decision, I was just wondering whether
you had considered it.

Either way, it would be good to put the documentation link you gave into
the docstring, as a pointer to the allowed values of the variable.

Does that make sense?

Aaron Ecay

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