fixed, thanks.
- Carsten
On Jan 6, 2009, at 4:01 PM, Matthew Lundin wrote:
Hi Carsten,
Carsten Dominik <> writes:
Hi Matt, how about a backtrace, and maybe you can try
to figure out which line in your diary file causes the problem?
- Carsten
Absolutely. I've put the results below, along with a sample diary file
I ran the test on and my configuration. I'm copying a backtrace for
the first time, so feel free to tell me if I've failed to include
First, before I include the results, I believe I've identified the
culprit: it's the syntax for generic monthly events in the diary,
*/3 Monthly meeting
When I remove this line from the sample diary file, agenda column view
works fine.
(By the way, this was the impetus I needed to switch all my
appointments to org-mode, since it's so nice to be able to add notes
to events in org-mode files.)
---begin Backtrace---
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
org-entry-properties(#<marker at 1 in diary>)
byte-code("ÆÇ!È `ÉÉ12ÊË!>>2Ë234Ì4!
3L*ÍÎ Ï\"^Ð\fÑÒ#YrÓ\f!q5)2ÊÔ!vÕÔ!vv2ÖeÏ\"Í
\"à !áâ Gãä %8 BBÉ:: :bn(å)âæå`\"\\*B1B1çè!
34Ì4!3L*ë ìÊí!
ð1!." [org-columns-begin-marker d a p m maxwidths org-verify-
version columns org-columns-remove-overlays nil boundp org-agenda-
overriding-columns-format make-variable-buffer-local get-text-
property point-at-bol org-hd-marker org-entry-get "COLUMNS" t marker-
buffer org-columns-current-fmt local-variable-p next-single-property-
change org-columns-compile-format org-agenda-colview-compute org-
marker org-entry-properties assoc string-match "\\S-" "" duration
org-minutes-to-hh:mm-string put-text-property 0 face org-warning 1
count-lines beginning-of-line 2 org-columns-get-autowidth-alist org-
columns-current-maxwidths org-columns-display-here-title org-columns-
flyspell-was-active flyspell-mode mapc #[(x) "...@!Âa!" [x goto-
line org-columns-display-here] 2] org-agenda-colview-summarize
cache ...] 7)
* org-agenda-columns()
---end Backtrace---
---begin diary file---
*/6 Monthly meeting
Thursday Weekly discussion
%%(and (= 1 (calendar-day-of-week date)) (diary-block 1 12 2009 2 28
2009)) 3:30pm-5:00pm Weekly meeting
%%(diary-anniversary 3 5 1975) James turns %d
%%(diary-block 1 19 2009 1 22 2009) Chicago trip
Jan 7, 2009 2:00pm meeting
---end diary file----
---begin diary configuration---
(setq diary-file "~/diary")
(setq cal-tex-diary t)
(setq cal-tex-holidays nil)
(setq view-diary-entries-initially t)
(setq mark-diary-entries-in-calendar t)
(setq number-of-diary-entries 1)
(add-hook 'diary-display-hook 'fancy-diary-display)
(add-hook 'list-diary-entries-hook 'sort-diary-entries t)
(add-hook 'today-visible-calendar-hook 'calendar-mark-today)
---end diary configuration---
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