Matthew Lundin <> writes:

> Robert Goldman <> writes:
>> Has anyone implemented a property that's the opposite of deadline for
>> Org TODOs?
>> What I'd like is a property I could put on a TODO that would hide it
>> from agenda display (probably with some preference that would permit
>> unfiltered display) until a specified date.
> I've wondered the same thing a couple times. But I usually end up
> asking myself: How would this be different from scheduling something
> in the future? I've found that the easiest solution to this problem is
> to schedule something in the future (e.g., C-c C-s +2w) and to get rid
> of the TODO keyword (C-c t <SPC>, or t <SPC> in the agenda). That way,
> the item will appear in my agenda on the date scheduled (and on every
> day thereafter), but won't show up in your global TODO list. (I
> suppose this use of the agenda is like a GTD style "tickler file.")
>> This would keep me from being overwhelmed by tasks that I have
>> deferred.

I push tasks into the future with scheduled / deadline dates and prevent
them from showing up in the agenda too early with something like

    DEADLINE: <2009-02-04 Wed -3d>

I also have the following settings 

 (setq org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date t)

that keeps any task with a scheduled/deadline date out of the global
todo lists - they're on the agenda and I don't need to see them in
multiple places.

I also have a DEFERRED todo keyword for things that just aren't going to
get done anytime soon (if ever).  I review the DEFERRED tasks weekly.
C-5 C-c a t
lists all of my deferred tasks (since for me DEFERRED is the 5th todo


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