On Monday,  2 Nov 2015 at 15:37, Ian Barton wrote:
> Next year our mountaineering club has its 50th anniversary. On the
> 21st anniversary we published a book of articles written by members of
> the club. 

> However, as a Latex
> neophyte I was wondering which of the several Latex packages would be
> suitable.

The book class may be enough for you.  In org, it is trivial to
use.  Simply put the line

#+latex_class: book

in your org file and export to pdf (C-c C-e l p).  Top level headlines
are parts, second level headlines are chapters, third level headlines
are section headings, etc.

I've attached a very small org file and the resulting PDF.

If you need to customise the output, you can look at the settings of
org-latex-classes.  If you have any specific needs, just ask here!
: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.2-209-gba4d33
#+title: This is my book
#+latex_class: book
* The main part of the book
** The first chapter
*** Introduction
This is some text.
** The second chapter
*** Motivation
This is some more text.
** The first chapter
*** Results
This is some text with an image


Attachment: t.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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