
Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> Consider the following example
> * test
>   test <- function(index, funs, ...){
>       if (missing(funs)) {
>               funs <- list(
>                   "a" = funa,
>                   "b" = funb)}
>       col <- vapply(funs, function(FUN) {
>           do.call(FUN, list(index, ...))}, 1.0)
>       col}
> It includes no tabs.  When exported with ox-latex or ox-ascii, but not
> ox-html, it has become something along the following, which at least at
> the time of posting contains tabs.  When exporting via xelatex, tabs in
> verbatim shows up as "^^I".
> \begin{verbatim}
> test <- function(index, funs, ...){
>     if (missing(funs)) {
>           funs <- list(
>               "a" = funa, # not really
>               "b" = funb,
>               "c" = func)}
>     col <- vapply(funs, function(FUN) {
>       do.call(FUN, list(index, ...))}, 1.0)
>     col <- pretty_num(col, rounding = TRUE)
>     names(col) <- names(funs)
>     col}
> \end{verbatim}
> Does anyone know WHERE tabs are introduced so I can try to fix this?  It
> seems by the time the src element reaches at least
> org-export-format-code-default it already contains tabs.

This is to be expected if `org-src-preserve-indentation' is nil (since
you didn't use the i flag) and `indent-tabs-mode' is non-nil.

See also <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/101768>.


Nicolas Goaziou

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