On Sun, Oct 25 2015 at 10:19:01 pm EET, joa...@verona.se wrote: > I want to call the exporter in a certain way, so I don't have to type > the same options every time. > > Basically I want to do first this: > (re-search-backward "^\\*\\* ") > (org-mark-subtree) > > Then I want to export the marked subtree as odt.
See the docstring of `org-odt-export-to-odt'. Its second argument is SUBTREEP, if T, only the subtree under the point is exported. So a call like: (org-odt-export-to-odt nil t) Would sort your problem out. > > With command keys it becomes something like: > c-c c-e c-s o o > > ... If I remember correctly. In this case I would rather do > > m-x my-own-canned-exporter > > I tried following the exporting dispatcher function but got lost in the > wilderness. Does anyone have a suggestion? -- İ. Göktuğ Kayaalp. http://gkayaalp.com/