Hi folks, I apologize fro relying on your charity for htis question -- I ought to figure this out myself, but am so slow that I've run out of time.
I dhave a number of lecture slides writen in org-mode. Normally I simply export to reveal.js using org-reveal. However, I now have to share these notes with a co-instructor who uses markdown, but not org. This is not fatal; I can export to markdown mode and use pandoc to create the reveal.js slideshows. However, there are two small difficulties: a) add a horizontal rule pandoc expects a horizontal rule at each slide division. So, if possible, I would like to add an hhr element at the end of every headline. b) speker notes More importantly, org-reveal allows the use of speaker notes, thus: #+BEGIN_NOTES whatever I put here #+ END_NOTES is exported as: <aside class="speaker-notes"> whaever I put here </aside> However, these blocks are ignored by the markdown exporter. Presumably I need to add a filter, or build a very simple derived backend, but my attempts thus far haven't been very successful. I would really appreciate some suggestions! Thank you, matt