On 10/01/2015 09:07 AM, Rainer M Krug wrote:
Kaushal Modi <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> writes:
It seems as if no one got the email I sent out yesterday, very odd.
On Sep 30, 2015 4:59 PM, "Charles Millar" <mill...@verizon.net> wrote:
This is indeed a twisted and strange thread...
Not only this thread but the list for about two days. At times over 24
hours elapsed before a message showed up.
It appears that this bug relating to the latex exporter was reported
three times. According to the dates Rainer Krug first reported it at
05:11 on Sep 29; before I sent my message (this thread on Sep 29 at
05:37) ) I checked to see if it had been reported and nothing showed.
Kushai apparently sent his report a few hours later. AFIK none of these
were on the list for several hours.
I checked gmane and the org list as well as my email for any replies. I
discovered that the exporter bug had been fixed when I looked at the
orgmode git site, so I posted a thank you. Again, at that time I posted,
nothing on the list reported the fix had been taken care of, although it
is obvious that two hours before I sent that message Nick and Rasmus had
posted messages to that effect.
Since this morning everything seems fine.
Above are just observations, nothing more.
I see that Rasmus has fixed this. Thank you.
On 09/29/2015 03:00 PM, Rainer M Krug wrote:
Envoyé de mon iPhone
Le 29 sept. 2015 à 11:37, Charles Millar <mill...@verizon.net> a écrit :
Since Monday morning (New York time) I have not been able to export to
pdflatex (worked OK the night before). Instead the message buffer reads
symbol's value as variable is void - compile
GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.10.7) of
2014-03-07 on lamiak, modified by Debian
Org-mode version 8.3.1 (release_8.3.1-283-gf6187d @
I can confirm this - please see my other post for an example.
Charlie Millar