Hi Jeremie, Jeremie Juste <jeremieju...@gmail.com> writes: > Hello, > > It's my first post here finally. Most of my questions were answered > before by you.:). I have the lastest version of org mode and search > with the best of my abilities if any had the same issue but couldn't > find anything. > > I have some difficulty with the org-mode variable :BEAMER_envargs. > > It does not allow frame break. There was a post on SO about the issue > > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29384107/org-mode-framebreak-does-not-work-with-label-option-in-exported-beamer > > As a fix they recommend the following fix > (setq org-beamer-frame-default-options "allowframebreaks,label=") > > This doesn't do the job and on the tex file it produces something like > \begin{frame}[allowframebreaks,label=,label={sec:orgheadline1}]{part 1} > > I tried with > (setq org-beamer-frame-default-options "allowframebreaks") > but the results were not better, > > > Finally removing label={sec:orgheadline1} did the job. > \begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{part 1} > > So I suspect there is a problem with label={sec:orgheadline1}. > > > Can someone help please? >
(Untested!) I suspect that this is due to org-latex-prefer-user-labels being nil. This will make Org mode inserting auto-generated labels. Setting this to sth non-nil might work here. HTH, Andreas