
Leonard Randall <leonard.a.rand...@gmail.com> writes:

> I noticed 2 more issues with the include function on latex export.

I cannot reproduce any of these. Could you upgrade Org and try again?

> The first, is that when I make an id link between 2 included files,
> the exporter gives the section associated with the linked header the
> same label as the header where the link is located. So for instance if
> I include two files which include the following contents.
> --- Included File 1 ---
> * Headline 4
> I develop this point in [[id:beb44a5e-fc8b-4597-8dc1-0fb0a6d3a346]].
> --- ---
> --- Included File 2
> ** Headline 6.2
> :ID:       beb44a5e-fc8b-4597-8dc1-0fb0a6d3a346
> :END:
> --- ---
> Headline 4 and Headline 6.2 will be given the same label, and so the link
> will point to headline 4, instead of Headline 6.2.

I get

  \section{Headline 4}
  I develop this point in \ref{sec:orgheadline1}.
  \section{Headline 6.2}

> The second problem is that if the include function is narrowed to a
> specific headline using a custom id, and there are footnotes defined at the
> very bottom of that headline, the final footnote in the section will not
> have a closing bracket.
> If I have the following master file and included file.
> --- Master file ---
> #+INCLUDE: "./1WorkingDraft.org::#Chapter1"
> --- ---
> --- 1WorkingDraft.org ---
> * Chapter 1 Title
> :CUSTOM_ID: Chapter1
> :END:
> Here is a some text with a footnote[fn:1]. Here is some more text.
> ...
> [fn:1] Here is the definition.
> * Other heading or end of file
> --- ---
> I get latex export that includes something like this.
> ---
> \chapter{Chapter 1 Title}
> \label{sec:orgheadline11}
> Here is some text with a footnote \footnote{Here is the definition..Here is
> some more text.
> ...
> \end document

I get

  \section{Chapter 1 Title}
  Here is a some text with a footnote\footnote{Here is the definition.}. Here 
is some more text.


Nicolas Goaziou

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