On Tuesday, 15 Sep 2015 at 09:50, Uwe Brauer wrote:


> You are right, the evil ∈! Since I have started to use prettify-symbol
> mode it is difficult to distinguish two situations:
>     -   prettify-symbols, using overlays, *displays*  \in by  ∈
>     -  but also \in can be *replaced* by the UTF8  ∈

I run into this problem quite frequently.  I often write with the tex
input method and later forget that I did so and ended up with UTF8

I wonder how difficult it would be to filter UTF8 characters that LaTeX
doesn't understand on export, e.g. converting ∈ to \in, maybe even using
the same org-entities table?  I'm sure a filter is straightforward in
emacs lisp, although beyond my capabilities unfortunately.

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.1-234-g8c85c9

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