Dear org-mode community, A year ago, there was a thread here, started by Rainer Krug, on using org-mode to produce nice looking CVs.
I had contributed once to that thread, offering a broken example of what I do. Then I dropped out of sight. Now I'm finally getting around to filling in the blanks, should anyone still be interested. There are two pieces to my solution: first, setting up org-mode with a new latex class, "cv"; and then including certain lines at the top of the org file that contains the CV. Here's are some elisp commands that will effect the first step: (require 'ox-latex) (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes '("cv" "\\documentclass[10pt]{article} \\usepackage[margin=.75in]{geometry} \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \\usepackage{sectsty} \\sectionfont{\\normalsize\\fontfamily{phv}\\slshape} \\renewcommand*\\oldstylenums[1]{{\\fontfamily{fxlj}\\selectfont #1}}" ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")) t) (customize-variable 'org-latex-classes) then save the customization. And here's what I include at the top of my #+OPTIONS: author:nil timestamp:nil #+TITLE: #+DATE: #+LaTeX_CLASS: cv #+BEGIN_LATEX \begin{flushleft} \bfseries\Large Curriculum Vitae\hfill Daniel M. Griswold\normalfont \end{flushleft} \vspace{-12pt}% \begin{flushright} 69 Stratton Road\\ Rochester, NY 14610\\ (585) xxx-xxxx\\\\ \hrulefill \end{flushright} #+END_LATEX Within the org file, I use top level headings (single bullet) for major sections, such as: * Education * Areas of Specialization * Areas of Competence * Employment History * Publications * Honors and Awards and then within each of those sections I use unordered lists for the relevant details, such as * Education - Ph. D., Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, 2010 - M. Div., Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, 1991 - A. B., Hope College, Holland, Michigan, 1986 With all this in place, I export to pdf and end up with something like the attached pdf. I really like managing my CV this way. It's very easy to keep track of what's what and to move things around. I hope this helps someone who is still looking for a way to manage CVs in org. Cheers, Dan Griswold Rochester, NY
Description: Adobe PDF document