
On 2015-09-09 12:42, Dmitri Makarov <dmaka...@alumni.stanford.edu> writes:

> This is my second attempt to submit a patch that enables grabbing
> links from Adobe Acrobat Pro.

I do not have Acrobat to test, but I have a small comment.

> +(defun org-mac-acrobat-get-page ()
> +  (interactive)
> +  (message "Applescript: Getting Acrobat page link...")
> +  (let* ((descriptor (as-get-acrobat-page-link))
> +         (components (split-string descriptor "::"))
> +         (path (car components))
> +         (title (nth 1 components))
> +         (page (nth 2 components))
> +         (label (nth 3 components))
> +         (link (concat "acrobat:" path "::" page))
> +         (description (concat title ", p." label))
> +         (org-link))
> +    (when (not (string= link ""))
> +      (setq org-link (org-make-link-string link description)))
> +    (kill-new org-link)
> +    org-link))

Could you reuse `org-mac-paste-applescript-links' for this? For that,
you need to add the "acrobat:" and the ", p." bits in the AppleScript
(as is done for Skim).



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