
Jude DaShiell <jdash...@panix.com> writes:

> I am studying python to the best of my ability.  I have a file
> python_notes.org.  As of now it has 93 list entries in it which are
> notes.
> I am unable to either add text to the 93rd note or add another list
> item which would be a note of 94) to the file.  My disk space is not
> wiped out either.  Version of org-mode came with emacs 24.51 that I'm
> using.  If anyone takes a look at this file, by now it has several
> lines in it.  To keep things brief anyone interested can look at
> http://www.panix.com/~jdashiel/python_notes.org in a few minutes since
> I have to put the file in my web space first.  What I would like to
> know is if I made any formatting mistakes that are causing this to
> happen and if not is this a bug in ordered list mode in emacs-orgmode?

There are formatting issues in this file. Each time you start
an unnumbered line at column 0, you reset the list.


Nicolas Goaziou

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