On Dec 14, 2008, at 2:46 PM, Matthew Lundin wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> Robert Goldman <rpgold...@sift.info> writes:
>> Matthew Lundin wrote:
> [snip]
>>> For a custom agenda command:
>>> (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
>>>      '(("f" tags-tree "+car+TODO=\"TODO\""
>>>      ((org-show-entry-below t)
>>>       (org-show-hierarchy-above nil)))
>>>          ;; other commands
>>>        ))
> [snip]
>> In particular, the variable settings weren't near the agenda  
>> discussion,
>> and are not in the index.  Question:  would it be useful to add a
>> variable index to the info file?  If it is, and there isn't someone  
>> more
>> texinfo competent than me to do it, I'll look into seeing how hard it
>> would be to do this.
>> Also, in the manual and code there's no real discussion of how the
>> settings part of the org-agenda-custom-commands is to be used.  I  
>> mean,
>> it's clear that they are variable bindings, but there's no use case.
>> Would it be reasonable to modify your example above into an example  
>> to
>> be added to the texinfo file?  I would be happy to have a whack if  
>> this
>> seems like a good idea.
> I'm guessing the best place for such a tutorial would be Worg (the
> org-mode wiki). http://orgmode.org/worg/
> When I have a chance, I'll put together a basic tutorial on agenda
> custom commands and put it up on Worg.

That would be super valuable, this is a key area with a very bad ratio  
available power on the onside, and accessible documentation on the  
other hand.

- Carsten

P.S.  Thanks for the excellent FAQ you wrote about filtering agenda  

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