I found the following in 6.12a.

************* org-shiftleft and org-shiftright on bullet points
1.  The command is not documented as working on bullet
    points.  However, this is a great feature.  For me, it
    cycles bullet styles.
2.  It should ideally adjust indentation when cycling bullet point
    styles.  For example, - + take one column; 1) takes two.
3.  1. (number followed by dot) should indent by two spaces when
    sentence-end-double-space is non-nil.  This should also
    occur with org-insert-heading.  See the present style.
4.  It would be nice to include o (lowercase oh) as a bullet
    point style if possible, as it's fairly common.
5.  There seems to be a bug in which org-shiftleft turns the
    first bullet point into a headline.  This occurs on the
    present body with the curser on the present bullet


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