[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Flávio de Souza) writes:

> Hi everybody!
> I'm new emacs and org-mode user. I've posted to this group sometimes and
> I got helpful hints. Now I need your help ( opinion ) about
> publishing html with org-mode.
> I decided to use emacs to make my personal website. Basically,
> I want to write essays, tutorials and my cv and put in internet. I also
> want to do a blog. 
> I am using org-mode to keep tracking of all my projects and it is working
> really nice, therefore I'd like to try org-mode to make my web site.
> I would like to know some web sites that are using org-mode. Can you point 
> some of them? 

Hi Flavio,

I just began a website with org-publish for many of the same reasons
you mention:


Of course, there's the org-mode website itself:


As well as Worg, the org-mode wiki:


> Can I use org-mode to make my blog too? Do you use it for that?

For blogs there is the discontinued blorg.el, which uses its own
export mechanism (i.e., not org-export):

- http://lumiere.ens.fr/~guerry/blorg.php
- http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Blorg

There's also org-blog (a bit out of date now), though I haven't been
able to get it to work with more recent versions of org-publish.
Perhaps someone else who's had more luck will offer their opinion

- http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/OrgBlog.

Hope this helps. 


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