Dear foreign friends,

Since the coding system issues in Emacs drive me mad, I have decided to switch to HTML entities for writing foreign characters in the few special words we need.

Could all of you please check and double-check that I have used the correct html entities to get the characters correct for your language?


- Carsten

(defcustom org-export-language-setup
  '(("en"  "Author"     "Date"  "Table of Contents" "Footnotes")
    ("cs"  "Autor"      "Datum" "Obsah" "Pozn\xe1mky pod carou")
    ("da"  "Ophavsmand" "Dato"  "Indhold" "Fodnoter")
    ("de"  "Autor"      "Datum" "Inhaltsverzeichnis" "Fußnoten")
("es" "Autor" "Fecha" "Índice" "Pies de página") ("fr" "Auteur" "Date" "Table des matières" "Notes de bas de page") ("hu" "Szerzõ" "Dátum" "Tartalomjegyzék" "Lábjegyzet")
    ("it"  "Autore"     "Data"  "Indice" "Note a piè di pagina")
    ("nl"  "Auteur"     "Datum" "Inhoudsopgave" "Voetnoten")
    ("no"  "Forfatter"  "Dato"  "Innhold" "Fotnoter")
("nb" "Forfatter" "Dato" "Innhold" "Fotnoter") ;; nb = Norsk (bokm.l) ("nn" "Forfattar" "Dato" "Innhald" "Fotnotar") ;; nn = Norsk (nynorsk)
    ("pl"  "Autor"      "Data" "Spis treści"  "Przypis")
    ("sv"  "Førfattare" "Datum" "Innehåll" "Fotnoter"))

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