I noticed a bug that seems to have crept in over the weekend, but I
can't quite make out where it came from.

In a table like this:

| Date             | Index1 | Index2 |
| <2008-11-01 Sat> |    100 |    150 |
| <2008-11-02 Sun> |    110 |    140 |
| <2008-11-03 Mon> |    120 |    145 |

If you export to HTML, you'll see the span before the timestamps with
HTML entities for the < and > characters, rather than having them
converted back.  It's as if we're missing an org-html-expand or an
org-html-do-expand somewhere.
Charles Sebold                                     3rd of November, 2008
 GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) | Gnus v5.11 | org-mode 6.10c

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