Richard Riley wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Why would you expect C-x C-w to remove/filter anything? Its simply
> write-file. Or do I misunderstand? Did you possibly redefine this
> command?

I guess I expected the agenda-writer to be WYSIWYG in its behavior, and
so apply the filters.

I can understand what's going on, but it seems counterintuitive to me:
the filter I apply interactively is implemented with overlays and not
reflected in the output, but the special command I write that to me
seems to do the same thing is not implemented with overlays, so works
with org-write-agenda.

I can see why this is done this way, and having looked at the
emacs-lisp, I can see why it might be a big pain to change it to make
org-write-agenda be wysiwyg, but I find it hard to think of the current
behavior as actually desirable.  Why would one *want* (as opposed to
tolerate) an agenda writer that shows one something different from what
one sees on the screen?

Put differently, why would I expect C-x C-w effectively to *strip* the
filters?  I have already filtered, so I don't think of it as removing or
filtering for C-x C-w to print what I see.  Again, I understand what is
really happening in the code, but to a user, it looks as if C-x C-w is
stripping a filter that's been applied.


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