Hello all, recently I learned about c-c c-j which is a kind of outline navigator.
in the manual is written: ,---- | `C-c C-j' | Jump to a different place without changing the current outline | visibility. Shows the document structure in a temporary buffer, | where you can use the following keys to find your destination: | <TAB> Cycle visibility. | <down> / <up> Next/previous visible headline. | n / p Next/previous visible headline. | f / b Next/previous headline same level. | u One level up. | 0-9 Digit argument. | <RET> Select this location. `---- and after involing a minibuffer help is displayed: ,---- | Browse buffer copy, to find location or copy text. Just type for auto-isearch. | RET=jump to location [Q]uit and return to previous location | [Up]/[Down]=next/prev headline TAB=cycle visibility [/] org-occur `---- Now my question: If I invoke this function all works with exception of the "letter" commands "n" "p" "f" "b" "u" "Q". These invoke the auto-isearch (e.g. searching for n or Q). I tried it in emacs 22.2 and 6.09a and 23.60 with 6.06. So my question is: did I make an error or is possibly the description not up to date? Secondly one minimal error in the Manual 1.2 Installation: Add the following lines to your .emacs file. The last *two* lines define global keys for the commands org-store-link, org-agenda, and org-iswitchb - please choose suitable keys yourself. Should be three instead of two. Regards Peter Straka _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode