Hi Achim,

yes, the entire internal linking system was broken when it comes to LaTeX export.
I believe this problem is fixed now, thank you for your report.

- Carsten

On Sep 29, 2008, at 9:35 PM, ASSI wrote:

Hi Org-Mode hackers,

I'm trying to get radio links to work in the LaTeX export, but
something goes wrong.  The target itself is converted to:
-------------^ notice the extra backslash that doesn't belong there!
while all the links are just showing up as \texttt{TARGET}.

I've checked that org-export-latex-all-targets-re matches my radio
targets just fine in the orginal buffer.  The "replace radio links"
part seems to work just fine, if I add some extra characters to the
format string they show up nicely.  The recognition of the radio
links themselves in  org-export-latex-links however does not find
any, radiop does not seem to become true, hence the replacement by
the \texttt{...} fallback, I think.  I have also no idea where the
extra backslash comes from in the target (and the target should
probably not get a link to itself anyway).  My EMACS is version 22.3
if that matters.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk]>+

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