Tassilo Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ah, thanks.  Then I need to update to the git version, or will that be
> synched to emacs trunk anytime soon?

I don't know how often it syncs with emacs trunk.  My guess is that it's
not very frequently.

> Could you please check if you get the same font-lock gibberish as I do
> with the graphic and reproduction recipe I posted as reply to Carsten a
> minute ago?

I pasted the following into an org file, put the cursor in the middle
and hit C-c' and it worked perfectly for me.  I assume that this is
because of our differences in org versions...

:                         +-----+             (Abb. 23a)
: ENABLE------------------|  &  |
:       +-----+           |     |
:       | >=1 |     +-----|     |---RUN-+
:       |     |     |     |     |       |
: X-----|     |-----+     +-----+       |
: Y-----|     |                         |
:   +---|     |                         |
:   |   +-----+                         |
:   |                                   |
:   +-----------------------------------+

Best -- Eric

> Bye,
> Tassilo

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