Richard Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Xiao-Yong Jin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Richard Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Bernt Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>> On three systems I have access to the info files are in /usr/share/info
>>>>   - Debian
>>>>   - FreeBSD
>>>>   - Ubuntu
>>> Debian and Ubuntu should be the same I would think since Ubunti is
>>> Debian based.
>>> But there is an org which ships with emacs. I would expect the info file
>>> from that to be there.
>>> If one installs from CVS/git should it not be in /usr/local/share/info ?
>>> I really am not sure personally and frequently have had issues with
>>> other packages and the installation and location of Info files.
>> This is the real problem.  I guess most of the package
>> managers are not happy with conflicting files from different
>> packages.  Gentoo, archlinux and FreeBSD are all not happy
>> with this.  So I just decided to install info files some
>> where in my home directory and prepend that to my $INFOPATH.
>> Xiao-Yong
> Did you have a local "dir" file too or put in a link into one of the
> others?

Yes, I have a local "dir" file.  In my case,

% echo $INFOPATH

% ls /home/jin/etc/info/
dir  emms  org

> I suspect this is getting a little OT now and more "How does info work"
> :-; But it's reassuring to hear that others scratch their heads a little
> too. I have lots of unresolved dir links since I removed (uninstalled
> properly) emacs 22 and 21 and went for CVS Emacs 23 and that only adds
> to my info woes ...

As long as the file `dir' is in your $INFOPATH, it will be
searched before the one(s) in your system.  And that's how I
override the system's while keep the system happy.

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