* On Fri 01:04AM +0000, 03 Oct 2008, Tang, Hsiu-Khuern ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> I'm new to Org-Mode, and I'm getting to like it a lot!
> I am running Org 6.07b.  I have this simple Org file:
> ----------------------------------------
> * top level
> ** second level
>    test
> ----------------------------------------
> If I run M-x org-export-region-as-latex, I get this output:

Sorry, I meant M-x org-export-as-latex here.  I've narrowed this down to
the following behavior: with the above input file, the exported LaTeX is:

% standard preamble

\title{* top level}
\author{Tang Hsiu Khuern}
\date{03 October 2008}




** second level
\section{second level}



Here, the first heading is used for the title, as documented in "12.7.1
LaTeX export command".  (That description is perhaps inaccurate, since
it suggests that this only happens if there is an active region.)

If I suppress this by add the option #+TITLE: my title, I get this
output, without the extra lines:

% standard preamble

\title{my title}
\author{Tang Hsiu Khuern}
\date{03 October 2008}




\section{top level}

\subsection{second level}



I also get output without extra lines if, instead of setting #+TITLE
explicitly, I give a dummy heading to be used as the title:
* my title

* something else

** second level
> * top level
> ** second level
>    test

So it seems like something undesirable happens when org-export-as-latex
needs to use the heading name as the title, _and_ the next section is a


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