Hi, Here is some code for using other major modes inside of org-mode. It uses blocks like the org-mode "#+BEGIN_SOURCE", "#+END_SOURCE" blocks. This is sort of fun to play with but not necessarily stable. Thanks to Lennart for showing me how the MuMaMo code works. Requires MuMaMo-mode http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/MuMaMo
In order to try this out... 1) eval the following elisp forms (change the value of mumamo-org-modes if you want to try other modes) (require 'mumamo) (defvar mumamo-org-modes '(ruby-mode emacs-lisp-mode c-mode) "Modes to include in org-files") (defvar mumamo-org-chunk-functions (mapcar (lambda (mode) (eval `(defun ,(intern (format "mumamo-chunk-org-%S" mode)) (pos min max) ,(format "%s support inside org BEGIN END blocks" mode) (mumamo-quick-static-chunk pos min max ,(format "#+BEGIN_%S" mode) ,(format "#+END_%S" mode) t (quote ,mode) nil)))) mumamo-org-modes) "The automatically defined mumamo-chunk-org-* functions for use cramming other modes into org-mode. See `mumamo-org-modes' `mumamo-quick-static-chunk'.") (eval `(define-mumamo-multi-major-mode org-mumamo-mode ,(format "Turn on multiple major modes with main major mode org-mode.\n\n%s" (mapconcat (lambda (el) (format "- %S" el)) mumamo-org-modes "\n")) ("Org Source Blocks Family" org-mode ,mumamo-org-chunk-functions))) 2) open a buffer containing something like the following * testing this out - regular org-mode in these lines #+BEGIN_ruby-mode # ruby-mode active in the block def eric # nothing else end #+END_ruby-mode #+BEGIN_emacs-lisp-mode (defun this-is-lisp () ) #+END_emacs-lisp-mode 3) M-x org-mumamo-mode _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode