Hi Peter,
this is indeed neither currently possible, nor easily implemented.
One of he basic concepts of Org-mode is that you keep things together
that belong together. Why do you have related things in two separate
files? Would it not be easier and better to reorganize this basic
- Carsten
On Sep 5, 2008, at 4:47 PM, Peter Frings wrote:
Sorry for the repost (original of 8/8), but I have been looking for
an answer in the manual, as well as in the sources and I really
don't dare to touch anything down there...
Is it possible to build a clocktable with the agenda as scope, but
summing up all times per headline level, and not per file. Some
files have the same level 1 entries, and these should be summed up.
** task 1
** task 2
* Todo
** task 1
* task 3
The current clocktable create blocks per file:
#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 4 :scope agenda :block thisweek :step
Weekly report starting on: <2008-08-04 Mon>
| File | L | Headline | Time | |
| | | *Total time* | *0:40* | |
| A.org | | *File time* | *0:10* | |
| A.org | 1 | REQD | 0:10 | |
| A.org | 2 | task 1 | | 0:05 |
| A.org | 2 | task 2 | | 0:05 |
| B.org | | *File time* | *0:15* | |
| B.org | 1 | Todo | 0:15 | |
| B.org | 2 | task 1 | | 0:15 |
| C.org | | *File time* | *0:15* | |
| C.org | 1 | REQD | 0:15 | |
| C.org | 2 | task 3 | | 0:15 |
It would be very convenient if I could group it on the first level,
across the files:
#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 4 :scope agenda :block thisweek :step
Weekly report starting on: <2008-08-04 Mon>
| File | L | Headline | Time | |
| | | *Total time* | *0:40* | |
| A.org | 1 | REQD | 0:25 | |
| A.org | 2 | task 1 | | 0:05 |
| A.org | 2 | task 2 | | 0:05 |
| C.org | 2 | task 3 | | 0:15 |
| B.org | 1 | Todo | 0:15 | |
| B.org | 2 | task 1 | | 0:15 |
Another possible method is to use categories at the file header, and
to group files with the same category. That way, you can control
which files to group and which ones not.
Maybe I have overlooked some customization somewhere, but I couldn't
find it in the manual. And as I said before, I'm loosing my way in
the source files...
Any pointers? Or suggestions to tackle this in another way?
PS: this is the first time in my life I'm getting organized...
thanks to org-mode!
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