Rainer Thiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can't seem to find a way to configure the variable
> org-export-latex-classes either directly (via customize-variable) or
> through customizing a group.  customize-variable can't find this
> variable, and I am unable to find the customizing group it may be in.
> Some time (only a couple of weeks) ago I did successfully customize
> that variable through a group for the life of me I now can't remember.
> Can someone help me, please?

There seems to be a missing defgroup, so the org-export-latex customizations
end up disappearing. Try adding this to org-export-latex.el:

(defgroup org-export-latex nil
  "Options for exporting Org-mode files to LaTeX."
  :tag "Org Export LaTeX"
  :group 'org-export)


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