I'm pleased to report that org-mode is now available for Mac OS X users
as a package within the Fink system [1].  The org-mode source is divided
into two packages: core support (org-mode [2]) and contributed code
(org-mode-contrib [3]).  Fink users can issue the command

  fink install org-mode

to get started; org-mode will then be available in the next emacs
session (more precisely, the next session of Fink's emacs).  To install
the contributed code, the command

  fink install org-mode-contrib

does the job.

As it stands, org-mode is not in the "stable" branch of fink, so one has
to enable Fink's "unstable" branch if one wants to get the packages [4].

The packages will track the releases that Carsten makes; the current
version is 6.06b.  



[1] http://www.finkproject.org
[2] http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/org-mode
[3] http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/org-mode-contrib
[4] http://www.finkproject.org/faq/usage-fink.php?phpLang=en#unstable


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