Pete Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>>> "Russell" == Russell Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Russell> In my ~/.bashrc, I have defined an alias for Org that runs:
>     Russell> emacs -nw --funcall org-agenda-list
>     Russell> Which pulls up Org in the agenda view, which is where I
>     Russell> wanted to be in the first place!
> Hmm - is there any way to get the same functionality with emacsclient ? 


> I have tried  
>   /usr/bin/emacsclient.emacs-snapshot -f org-agenda-list
> but it turns out -f isn't supported by emacsclient.

how about: emacsclient -e "(org-agenda-list)" 

or: gnuclient -f org-agenda-list

Dan Griswold
Rochester, NY

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