Hi Raimund,

yes, (require 'org-install) is only needed if you have downloaded your Org installation separately, not as part of emacs.

yes, this should be the first line of org-related configuration.

The warning you see is no problem.

- Carsten
On Jul 27, 2008, at 7:52 AM, Raimund Kohl-Füchsle wrote:

Hello all,

I faced some problems with using remember and org-mode and first I didn't connect them with either remember nor org-mode but with my use of aptitude instead, which is completely wrong with Sidux (well, we all learn ... ) However, in the end I thought to just mention a few of my experiences. Since I am no expert, neither with emacs nor with any programming languages (-being just a lousy user instead-) I thought to mention them anyway :-) ... if all what I faced is connected with incompetence on my side, well, don't through tomatoes at me ... just smile, please :-)

Ok, first I installed Sidux, a system based on Debian sid, but stabilized and realy easy to use. I installed emacs22 and became quite amazed learning that org-mode came along bundled with emacs22. Yeah, I thought, great. Since I came from Ubuntu, the only thing I needed to do was to outcomment

;;(require 'org-install)

and all went well. However, after some time of using org-mode I became aware that when exporting to html CSS didn't work properly (which had worked before with Ubuntu!) When researching the reason I found out that the version that came bundled with emacs22 is a very old version (AFAIR 4.65, and I guess back then there had been no org-install variable and that was the reason why I was to outcomment it to have org-mode working ... right?). Next I found out that there existed a seperate deb pakage "org-mode" which then delivered the newest version. And this one needs to have set (require 'org-install) otherwise it will not work (at least) with remember-el. I may have overlooked that in the manual that older versions don't accept "org-install", but newer versions need it to work properly.

Also according to my fresh experience it seems to matter if

  (require 'org-install)

is called *before* e.g.:

  (setq org-directory "~/Rollen/Org/")
  (define-key global-map "\C-cr" 'org-remember)

If not emacs complains about a void org-remember-insinuate and will not work together with remember-el.

There is another thing that I noted when installing org-mode. Here the install note:


In org-indent-to-column:
org-compat.el:212:5:Warning: `indent-to-column' called with 3 args, but
  requires 1-2


Ok, so that was what I wanted to mention ...


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