I upgraded my org-mode to 6.06b which took care of the problem of
showing undesired headlines after a search, but a new issue has arisen.
Say I have the following text:
* Grades
** Student 1
*** Exams :exams:
Exam scores
*** Homework :homework:
Homework scores
** Student 2
*** Exams :exams:
Exam scores
*** Homework :homework:
Homework scores
If I do 'C-c \ exams' I get the following:
* Grades
** Student 1
*** Exams :exams:
** Student 2
*** Exams :exams:
If I now hit <TAB> with the cursor on the third line down, I get this:
* Grades
** Student 1
*** Exams :exams:
Exam scores
*** Homework :homework:
** Student 2
*** Exams :exams:
The problem is that I don't want the '*** Homework :homework:' line to
be displayed. I've played around with the org-reveal-location
customizations, but I can't find any way to stop the display of the
unwanted headline. Is there a way to do this?
Scott Randby
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