On Jul 27, 2008, at 11:28 AM, Steven E. Harris wrote:
The section on Column Attributes in the org manual¹ mentions that one
can define a title for a column to be used as the "header
text". Following Egli Christian's example², I defined a column
format in
a properties drawer as follows:
| :COLUMNS: %40ITEM(Task) %Effort(Estimated Effort){+}
If I make a tree of tasks and inclued an "Effort" property in each,
entering Column Mode behaves mostly as expected; I can edit the two
attributes for each of the tasks situated beneath that properties
One thing I see in the images³ related to the aforementioned example
a header across the top of the column view with the column titles as
defined in the format property above. No such header appears when I
enter Column Mode here.
Is there a special incantation to make the header visible?
No that should happen automatic. What versions of Emacs and org-mode
are you using?
- Carsten
¹ http://orgmode.org/manual/Column-attributes.html
² http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/5107/focus=5134
³ http://cache.gmane.org//gmane/emacs/orgmode/5134-004.bin
Steven E. Harris
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