On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 2:55 AM, Parker, Matthew wrote:
  > Hi,
  > I've read through the manual and maybe missed it but how does one
  > produce an agenda that filters on both a certain todo keyword and a certain
  > tag?
  > Here's the scenario:
  > 1. Given a file setup w/ these TODO sequence keywords and tags
  > #+TAGS:          Home(h) Work(w) Errands(e) Phone(p) Computer(c)
  > 2. And given these headings
  > * TODO      xxx            :Work:
  > * WAITING   just this one! :Work:
  > * DONE      yyy            :Work:
  > *           zzz            :Work:
  > 3. And given the fact that
  > C-c a t              gives list of all TODO, WAITING, and DONEs
  > C-c a T & "WAITING"  gives list of just WAITING items
  > C-c a m & "work"     gives list of all headings tagged w/ "work", TODO or
  > otherwise
  > C-c a M & "work"     gives list of all TODO entries w/ "work" tag
  > How can I produce a list of "WAITING" todo items tagged w/ "work", i.e.
  > 1. A certain type of todo keyword, e.g. WAITING
  > 2. A certain tag?, e.g. "work"

Does this help?

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      (quote (("E" "Errands To Run" tags-todo #("work!/WAITING") nil))))

-- Manish

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