>   Is there any way to have org-mode integrate with OS X better ?
>   There are a few GTD apps out there for OS X that do a nice job at
>   that: (THINGS, OmniFocus, Anxiety, etc). Some have a global shortcut
>   for adding tasks from anywhere (THINGS and OmniFocus), other have a
>   sexy icon in the top bar (Anxiety, Dejumble).

Not from every where, but you should be able to define a few terminal
services (by using emacsclient) in Terminal.app to at least make it work
with selected file items in Finder.app or capture text put into the
paste board. However, YMMV since I use GNUstep and not OS X.

Also, there will be better integration between OS X and Emacs once
Emacs.app is complete (getting very close) and merged back into Emacs.


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