You may want to have a look at my post on 

 > - the use of org-agenda-skip-archived-trees toggling to control
 >   visibility of archived tasks.  The key redefinitions that we use
 >   (everything goes to sibling archive) may be too much for other
 >   applications. Here we are just trying to make sure that we always
 >   use the archive to sibling method, since it preserves TAG
 >   inheritance, which is vital to keep archived tasks assigned to the
 >   person that had them assigned in the first place.

Carsten kindly stored it at:



 Manuel Hermenegildo                     |              Prof., C.S. Department
 Director, IMDEA-Software and CLIP Group |                T.U. of Madrid (UPM)            | +34-91-336-7435 (W) -352-4819 (Fax)

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