On Sun, May 25 2008, Carsten Dominik wrote: > Editing source code example in the proper mode > ---------------------------------------------- > > If you are writing a document with source code examples, you can > include these examples into a `#+BEGIN_SRC lang ... #+END_SRC' or > (with the org-mtags module loaded) a `<src...' structure. `lang' > stands for the Emacs mode used for editing the language, this could be > `emacs-lisp' for Emacs Lisp mode examples, or `org' for Org mode > examples. You can now use the key "C-c '" (that is C-c followed by > the single quote) to edit the example in its native mode. This works > by creating an indirect buffer, narrowing it to the example and > setting the appropriate mode. You need to exit editing by killing > that indirect buffer, with `C-x k'. This is important, because lines > that have syntactic meaning in Org will be quoted when the indirect > buffer is killed.
Carsten-- This is a phenomenally exciting addition. Combining this with the htmlized code examples in html export, and the option for \LaTeX export, org has clearly just vaulted past the rest of the field for literate programming. Expect a tutorial from me in the next few weeks about using org with RWeave (the R variant of SWeave). This will be a fantastic way to write articles that include statistical analyses and figures. That said, don't be surprised if by opening this door you end up with some new feature requests from me :) One addition that I can already see being interested in is the evaluation of embedded code before export, so that the results of the code are included along with the source. Obviously, there are security issues here that will need to be thought about, but I'd like to see if we could make this work. Greedy feature requests aside, this is very, very cool. > I guess it would be nice to exit with `C-c C-c', but who knows what > this key is supposed to do in a random mode. I can tell you now that C-c C-c is almost as overloaded in R-mode (from the package ESS) as it is in org-mode, and I will want it to have its R-mode interpretation while I edit R code. While I'm writing, I'll try to keep an eye out for sensible ways of jumping out of coding mode and back to org-mode. Thanks for this release! /au -- Austin Frank http://aufrank.net GPG Public Key (D7398C2F): http://aufrank.net/personal.asc
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