On May 21, 2008, at 2:54 PM, Bernt Hansen wrote:
Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Org has these:
C-c * can turn an item into a headline.
However, the heading will always be a subheading of the nearest
heading above,
so to convert your list, you should start from te end.
C-c - can turn an headline into an item
`C-c -' will also take an active region and turn each line into an
My personal solution fo things like this usually is keyboard macro.
For example, in this case
Thanks for the feedback :). I wasn't aware of the C-c - and C-c * key
bindings. I think I need to review the org-mode manual every
quarter or
something - there's so much useful stuff in org-mode!
I ended up using a regexp replacement for converting my lists which
turned out to be pretty easy.
Yes, for people who can use regexps this is clearly a fast option.
- Carsten
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