Speaking of tables today, I thought I'd post a question that I haven't
found a simple answer for.

How do you sum a table reliably? (ie: tolerant of editing)

This table requires the use of org-table-insert-row (etc...) in order
to keep the formula correct.

| Header |
|      1 |
|      2 |
|      3 |
|      4 |
|      5 |
|     15 |
#+TBLFM: @7$1=vsum(@[EMAIL PROTECTED])

How can I do something like this, where the last cell is automatically
the sum of the column, and not an absolute reference that must be maintained?

|      1 |
|      2 |
|      3 |
|      4 |
|      5 |
|     15 |
#+TBLFM: LAST=vsum($0..$0)


Russell Adams                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PGP Key ID:     0x1160DCB3           http://www.adamsinfoserv.com/

Fingerprint:    1723 D8CA 4280 1EC9 557F  66E8 1154 E018 1160 DCB3

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