Hi Tokuya,

On Mar 16, 2008, at 3:47 PM, Tokuya Kameshima wrote:

Hi Carsten,

I checked org-wl.el and it works fine.

BTW, I have another implementation of org-wl.el.  Is it possible to
merge my version to the git?

sounds good to me, I'd be happy to accomodate your changes.

The differences between git version and mine are:

- Integrated `org-wl-open' function into `org-wl-open'.

What do you really mean here?  That you integrate
org-wl-follow-link into org-wl-open?


- org-wl-store-link: If the message on the cursor line is marked as
 refile ("o"), set the link's folder to the refile destionation
 folder.  I prefer this behavior since I read the email in the inbox
 folder, set the refile mark, and create TODO task using remember
 package from the email before performing the refile operation.
 After I create tasks, I execute the refile.

I don't really know wl at all, so I am not sure how other people
use this and if this would change or limit different set-ups.
Maybe this can be made configurable?  Or is this not necessary
because it only does something when the message is marked for

Any other wl users want to comment on this?

- Fixed "To:" field extraction problem where the function
 `elmo-message-entity-field' returns a string or a list of strings.

Sounds good.

- org-wl-open: Added a workaround for `wl-folder-goto-folder-subr',
 which moves point to the beginning of the current line in the old

Sounds good too.

- Carsten
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