On Jan 24, 2008, at 5:37 PM, Hugo Schmitt wrote:
I think my suggestion doesn't fit orgmode that well, but what if
'org-remember' had 'template' as an optonal argument? (instead of
pulling from org-remember-template interactively).
Then people could write their own menus/keymap/etc before calling
(Hmm, thinking about it, maybe i'll try that myself so i can call
remember from Anything)
If you are wiling to write lisp code, you can already do this, by
a list with only one template temporarily into org-remember-templates,
like this:
(let ((org-remember-templates
("Task" 116 "* TODO %?\n %u" "~/org/gtd.org" "Tasks")))
(call-interactively 'org-remember))
When there is only a single template in the list, Org-mode will actually
skip the query for the template and execute it right away.
So yes, you can write a function that does built a template on the fly.
Hope this helps
- Carsten
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