Hi Austin,

On Jan 21, 2008, at 10:20 PM, Austin Frank wrote:


I'm getting to the point of actually using org for organization (as
opposed to using it for note taking and publishing and procrastination). Currently, when a repeated task is marked as done, it shows up again in the agenda on the date of the next occurrence of the task as long as the task is scheduled or has a deadline. I'd like to request two additions
to this behavior.

First, would it be possible to add this same feature for active
timestamps that don't occur in a SCHEDULED or DEADLINE line?  I follow
the advice in the manual and don't use SCHEDULED for meetings, but I do
have some recurring meetings.  So, for the following entry:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* Standing Appointments
** TODO Meeting with Mike
  <2008-01-23 Wed 10:00-11:30 +1w>
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I'd like to be able to mark it as done every week, without needing it to be SCHEDULED or have a DEADLINE. Currently, the first time I mark it as
done, all past and future repetitions are also marked as done.

What is the purpose of marking it done?  It is not going to be on
your agenda after that day, if you have notes for the meeting you
can just add them.  So I don't really see the use of this.

Second, for some events with only a few repetitions I create multiple
active timestamps within one entry instead of using a repeating
timestamp.  So, for example, I have an entry like:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* Standing Appointments
** TODO Swing III
  <2008-01-21 Mon 19:30-21:30>
  <2008-01-28 Mon 19:30-21:30>
  <2008-02-04 Mon 19:30-21:30>
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Given that we can't combine repetition intervals with date ranges (or
can we?),

No, we cannot.

would it be possible to add a new behavior to deal with this
case?  When a TODO entry contains multiple time stamps, all of them
would show up in the agenda as TODO items.  Marking the item as done
would use the same logic used for dealing with repeaters, and would
continue to include the next active timestamp in the agenda as a TODO.

In the past I have dealt with this second case by adding more structure
to the task:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* Standing Appointments
** Swing III
*** TODO Week 1
   <2008-01-21 Mon 19:30-21:30>
*** TODO Week 2
   <2008-01-28 Mon 19:30-21:30>
*** TODO Week 3
   <2008-02-04 Mon 19:30-21:30>
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I'd say this is a pretty good way of dealing with a limited amount of meetings.

Yes, I am lazy to no implement this, but believe me, time stamp handling
is complex already, in part because I have been adding the new features
one at a time.  Had I know from the start what kind of features would be
goot, time ranges with repeater intervals would probably be in. Now, it is
hard to do.  I'll put it into my tickler file, but no promises....

- Carsten

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